Daily Archives: November 27, 2007

Martinis, Bikinis and Everything in Betweenie

oceanbiotch.jpg by Natashky Vega and Janal Danielholla.jpgholla.jpg

“Welcome to Miami, Bienviedos a Miami”, as Will Smith so cleverly put it. A place of glitz and glamour, or better yet the “Emerald City” of the south. “Feel that conga beat”, as you stroll down ocean drive right into Miami heat. Observe how Miami gives you a silent sense of content that makes you want to “Vivir!”

The city of Miami Beach is comprised of employees, inhabitants and money spending tourists looking for a good time. According to Wikipedia, approximately 87,925 people reside in Miami Beach. This does not include employees who commute from all over the state of Florida to work. The most popualted areas in Miami beach include Flamingo Park, Flamingo West and Collins Park.

The activities range from rollerblading on the boardwalk to fine dining in the most prestigious restaurants. If that sort of thing bores you, there are also a variety of clubs and bars for the more social. To no surprise, there is never a dull moment in Miami beach with most of the clubs closing at 5 in the morning. Especially when there are over 150 clubs to choose from, one can never be too bored. Sadly enough, entrance into these clubs is often determined by ” Hotness or Notness”. Then, for those who are not hot, theres always cruising and swimming in the Atlantic ocean. As an alternative for those who would not like to be eaten by the sharks, there are vendors who sell hand-crafted knick knacks as you make your way down Ocean drive. For a more intimate gathering, there’s always a frappicino from Starbucks or a cup of butter pecan ice cream from Edy’s. It all depends on your company.

holla.jpgSpeculation shows that south beach is most populated during the summertime, although many people flee down to the sun to escape the snow during the winter. Now come on, who wouldn’t rather have a golden sun kissed tan than a frigid frost bite? On the weekends, the beach is always a fun get-away for peoples of all ages. Even though the beach is open 24/7 ; 365/1, the most utilized times are often after hours. Now let’s not forget about the students from colleges and universities from all over the United States that come to party during Spring Break. Miami beach is notorious for Spring breakers.

In a recent conversation with a few classmates, they revealed that the number one reason as to why they do not go to Miami beach is because of the “physical pressure”. ” Physical Pressure” meaning the insecurity of ones appearance in more revealing attire. There is an image inprinted in peoples minds that everyone in Miami beach should have the perfect body. This particular image ranges from teenagers to adults, no matter their backgrounds. ocean-perfect.jpg So…what is it about Miami beach that attracts people from all over the world? Could it be the sparkling ocean that reflects off of the scorching sun? Or is it the plethora of restaurants to choose from influenced ever so heavily by the Latin cultures. Well, that’s for Miami to know, and you to find out.






Striving For The Dream

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Flat land as far as the eyes could see, highways , large homes, pools and lakes scattered across Mirna’s view from her of the window seat. Her heart raced as she entered what would be her new home, as she exited the airplane her memories of her country Peru will not be completely deleted but pushed back so far in to her mind that their almost non-existing. Her mind now only reflects her will, and her ability to strive, and succeed in becoming the person she knows she can be. Mirna is one of the many immigrants that came to the United States to visit and decided to stay in hopes to have a better life. She was only seventeen when she took the life altering trip.When Mirna and her mother’s visa expired, Her mother decided to take there only choice, which was to return to there Country. Mirna had other plans, now that she was eighteen and considered an adult in the United States, she made the decision to stay. Long, painful, and hopeful lies were said between her mother and her. She explained to her mother that she would make it in this Country, and all she would have to do would be the basic, learn english and become a citizen.Mirna had always been a bright young women, who picked up things easily, she took the first steps in learning the native language. She found low paying jobs cleaning houses and doing what ever came her way that could make her money.With new opportunities opening up, Mirna lost site of doing the paperwork in order to be in this Country legally.
The unexpected happen to Mirna, she found love. She had something more to look forward to in her life, she felt as if that would be it and she could finally fulfill all her wished. When Mirna and her boyfriend went serious he decided to take the next step, he wanted to do the right thing and introduce her to his mother. Mirna was very eager to meet the mother of this wonderful man, but the feeling was not mutual between her and his mother. When they arrived her mother expressed exactly the way she felt, cold, dry, unattentive, and unsatisified. Mirna was nothing of what she expected for her only son. Mirna decided to live in another place with her boyfriend and she wanted to maintain him till he finishes his school major, so then he would help her become a citizen. With their growing love they decide make a family together even though they were married and he was still in school. They had a daughter and then a year later Mirna had her second baby, a boy. Things then changed, they grew different and her boyfriend started to have a wandering eye. He met someone that had offered to help him get his residency since he was in the same situation as Mirna. He fed her a web of lies telling her that once he got the residence he would help her and the children too. Her boyfriend then became more distant, and lost interest in her, he said ” he had found new life with this other woman”. He had coaxed her into thinking that if she helped him by giving him money to pay his future life then he would help her. He had abandoned her, left her with nothing, all of her life savings were gone just as quickly as he was. Mirna had been working, taking care of her children, and meeting to all of his desire for nothing. He had cheated on her after all she did, he never even helped enough with the income of the home. His desires, always catering to him, she noticed all of this to late as she was now pregnant with his third child. Even though she was the mother of his three children he kicked her out in to the world. He replaced her with his new wife in his house and after all of that he had the nerve to tell her these words , “never come back or i’ll send immigration to arrest you”. He also took the last thing Mirna had in her life, her kids. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Things became worst, her license to drive got expired, and she had to change her job because her ex boyfriend could denounce her to immigration for being an illegal immigrant in in the United States. Her children were mischievous with their new family, their father was pathetic, Mirna tried to take them back. After careful thinking and a couple of close tries she was able take her children back to do this but she had to move to a small habitation with her kids. The problem didn’t stop there shortly after her younger child was diagnosed to have a tumor in his brain. The medical bills continued to sky rocket every time for just having him attended. Mirna’s oldest daughter has to start middle school , and this has made it more difficult. She has to pay a lot of things on her now. The children’s father does nothing to support them. He’s to busy with his fifth child with his “adorable” new wife and he is going to move to a different state so Mirna could never locate him. She is very tired, she still does not have American papers in this country, she works a lot for her and her children, she is very nervous about this situation, her legal status , her job, her license, her children, and now…even her health. MIrna has been living in a very poor living situation, beacuse of it she has virus in her stomach and her children may soon have the virus as well. We went to the the Peruvian Embassy and were able to find some useful information to tell her, since she has kids that were born here she can file for a certain right to be allowed to stay in the United States. Also, With a good immigation lawyer she can sue the father of the kids for child support. In the holiday spirt giving thanks for what you have and help others, because any bit of help or hope can help. Even though Mirna can give up and return to her country, she doesn’t. With all life complications, she still strives for a better life, and the American dreams,not just for her anymore but for her children.