Daily Archives: November 21, 2007

Rolling Santa’s

Rolling Santa’s

It’s Fun to Ride in Miami-

By: Mileidys Cardenas

            Riding a bike is more than just a hobby; it is a passion that many people share in Miami Motorcycle Association.  This association consists of a group of people that share the same interests of riding a motorcycle along the coasts of the United States. Not only that, but this association is like a big family that share all their special moments jointly. In this organization, we enjoy spending time with each other and we do this through entertaining activities that we enclose throughout the year. Two of the most enjoyable activities are our annual Toys4Kids Drive and our annual trip to Sebring to raise funds for the elderly.


            One of the most momentous activities that we host throughout the year is the Toys4Kids Drive. This is an event in which our organization, along with many others, brings toys and food on December to the considered necessary citizens in Homestead. In the last four years, we have come to a specific community in Homestead in which most of the residents are Mexican families. Many of them are illegal aliens and the men of the house have to work from day to night in agriculture to maintain their families. Even though these parents work very hard, they do not have enough money to buy their children toys. That is why every time we come, we bring joy and happiness to these children as they hear us coming with their special toys.


For example, last year our members recollected one-hundred bicycles for those kids who have had to deposit effort to attain and have maintain good grades in school. In addition to that, we gave Barbie dolls to the little girls that did not have any. We not only bring happiness to those kids, we also help their parents bringing them canned food that we collected during the month November. At the end of the day, we all feel satisfied knowing that we made many children and parents put a smile on their sad faces.


            Another annual event that we put together is the trip to Sebring to raise funds for the elderly. In this trip, we enjoy going for four hour rides in our bikes to make the elderly feel great about themselves. We arrive late at night, but in the morning of the next day, we wake up very early to ride throughout the city. In the central park, we have the opportunity to put our bike shows were we raise a lot of money to later send it to charity. At noon of the second day we have the opportunity to go together in our bikes along with our representatives to visit the elderly nursing homes. This enchanted place is a house for the elderly that is located near a huge lake in the west part of the city. When we get there, the elders become very excited for having visitors, since their families do not worry about them. We spend around half a day with them and we host domino matches, board games, and many other fun activities so that they spend a great time enjoying our company. Furthermore, we plant plants in their gardens to beautify their elderly homes. After we depart, they feel much better knowing that after all someone does concern about them. This trip is not only fun for us but it also for an excellent cause.

As can be seen, Miami Motorcycle Association is more than just a fun club. It is a club that cares about the people that surrounds them and tries very hard to help them. This club has many great things to offer not only to the riders but it also is an example of good intention towards other people in the community. After the days are over, we come back home with the commotion that someone will do something great for us when we grow old just like we perform with those elders. Also, we feel satisfied every time we put a smile on those children faces. Their parents are always grateful to us since they know that we have given their kids something that they would never be able to. It is and will always be fun to ride with the Miami Motorcycle Association!

Group 2

Mileidys Cardenas, Josue Zeledon, Maria Rodriguez

Jennifer Sierra, Milayne Machaldo, Alfred Collado

Recycling–Green Alert!


Recycling is collecting recyclable materials that would  be considered waste such as cans, plastic, papers, iron, aluminum and textile. sorting and processing recyclables into raw materials and manufacturing these materials into new products.  It’s an easy way for you to do your part to keep our community clean and help the environment.

The collection and disposal of solid waste is a challenge facing all the City of Miami. As the number of people living in the city continues to increase, as a result the amount of waste and energy also grows. All of this waste needs to be handled in a responsible manner. In Miami Dade College InterAmerican Campus students can participate in recycling.

 Recycling also saves money and will keep this city clean and fresh enviroment; moreover, it doesn’t matter how small your contribution to recycling is but you can make a huge difference. With the amount of pollution piling up in our ground, air, and sewer systems, many people are turning to the benefits of recycling to save animal and to help save the environment. picture

 The students can make a difference in recycling, and it is good for the environment; recycling conserves energy it saves the earth and resources for future generations. Recycling collection could be very important, We must educate the population because by recycling we can reduce pollution manufacturing products from recycled paper reduces water pollution by 35% and air pollutants by 73%. Reduce Energy consumption making new steel from old scrap offer up to 75% energy saving. Producing Aluminum from scrap instead of bauxite are cuts energy use by 95%.
Paper recycling saves up to 70% of energy needed to create paper from new timber.
Less energy consumption = less air pollution = less mercury. Recycling and renewable energy help us to be less vulnerable to foreign oil producers and helps us with less air pollution and less water contamination.
 Do you know the meaning of three R’s?, It means Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Now that everybody knows what the three R’s means we need to do it, because if we grew up with a lot of vegetation why we don’t let our children live with all the things that we lived today. Why we don’t take care of our planet? Because no one taught us how to do it. But this is not an excuse because there are many places that give us information on how we can recycle. One of my questions is why Miami Dade College authorities don’t use recycles method in our college? I see garbage can every where but not special boxes where we the students can throw the plastic, aluminum, and crystal bottle. Also boxes where we can throw the paper that we think that is not useful anymore. Learn how to take care of our green planet have to be a great Citizen, because today we can call our  planet green but tomorrow we will call it grey planet. There are many way in which one we can protect our vegetation some of them are use hybrid car, recycle, and keep our street clean. But the best thing that everybody can do is learn more about the topic and then ask this question what I want for my kids a green or gray planet.?

One day I was walking at  InterAmerican Campus, from one building to another I saw a plastic bottle rolling with the wind from one side to another, I stopped and pick it up and throw it in the garbage, it is so sad to see how the human being can destroy the earth with things that we used every day. Next day, my writing class’s teacher said “chose one topic to do a journal” immediately I thought, I am going to talk about Recycle. I spoke with my class’s group and every body agreed. After minutes two classmates told” that is not good topic is too big and it is not important”. In my brain come to me many ideas like why Miami Dade students do not know the importance to recycle and how we can educate the community to save the planet?  Last weekend was in Key West, this city is visit for many tourists during the year and always is clean, some tourist arrives with their pets and it is not problem for the city. You can see many people drinking in different kind of material like plastic bottle and aluminum cans but every one deposits it in the garbage’s containers. In fact, the people who has pets clean (the excrement) with plastic bag that they can get in garbage container to keep clean. Why we do not start to do the same thing in Miami.?  I did a little investigation of my own, and I met…

Lourdes Rodriguez (Network Department) I asked her:

 Do you think is good idea of recycling in Miami Dade College and Why? She answered:

This should start years ago because we can see the effect today we are suffering with hurricanes. She is agreeing to do recycling because our future generation can see the green planet that we have now. Also she said the court yard has containers to recycling paper that is useful.

Lourdes Gonzalez (Math’ professor)  said:

I practice recycle at home. I deposit plastic bottle, aluminum cans and papers in different container. Here in InterAmerican should have special location to practice it.  But I do not do here.

Santayana’s Professor said:

 I do not know about recycling in college. The college authority should take action about it. It is important because there could be less garbage in our planet and protects the environment.

Mario Martinez (student)

I do not know anything about recycling, I do not practice anywhere.

Cecilia Cubilla (Library’s Cashier)

At  InterAmerican Campus I hear at the end of garbage’s collection they separate it to do recycle. It is very important to educate the community do it. Save and keep our planet green to new generation.

Even though, everybody knows the benefits of recycling are helpful in maintaining our natural resources so that they will last longer, they still find reasons to avoid  recycling. While people who recycle are in the minority in our society, every little bit helps when it comes to recycling any type of recyclable product. Educating people about ways to save money and save  our planet simply by recycling,  taking the extra step and begin recycling  will be a great experience to participate in this helpful activity.
One of the most important benefits about recycling is that it helps to save energy. In order to create products such as papers, cans and plastics, manufacturers must use a great deal of fossil fuels and emissions that cause many forms of pollution. Fortunately, recycling is a more efficient use of those resources because it takes less time and energy to produce the same types of products. For example, recycling only paper cuts the amount of energy used in half. The more products you recycle, the more energy you can save and the more we help our planet.