Daily Archives: November 15, 2007

Fashion Trend vs. Anorexia and Bulimia

 Digging our fashion grave. . . 

    By: Silimay and Elizabeth

    Does being skinny have a price?  Is it cool? Nowadays million of teenagers are victims of eating disorders which is a complex compulsion to eat in a way which disturbs physical, mental, and psychological health the two most common diseases are anorexia and bulimia. Especially in Miami because it is known as the sunshine state, where people are tying to look the best. How many of us would like

  to be or shine as our favorite celebrity?  Some of us believe that in order to be thin, fit, and in style you must give something up. The consequences can be inerrable, and may lead you to a grave instead of a fashion run way.  

Bulimia and the anorexia can affect of anyone but in general those who more affects are to the teenager since when we enter the age of the puberty we want to shine. From the affected by these diseases 10 percent are men, and 90 percent are women. The women are the most affected because we always want to look good at any cost, while the men for the most part exercise and practice sometime of sports, as well as other physical activities. However some men go to the extreme to look good, those are that 10 percent. Sometimes when we are in a diet and we are not doing it correctly, we could fall into the trap of these diseases. It has happen to me because when I eat a lot or I eat something that contains a lot of calories, I feel in guilt with myself and even I have come to the point of wanting to throw up. However, I come to realize the risks and implication that it could bring.  How the anorexia’s symptoms start? when a girl start feeling fear to gain weight they eat less and  get an obsession with what they have ate, probably this person beings to make sure they are not inhering so many calories, also is very frequent for a person in this case to do excess exercise with the only object to loose weight and not for healthy, one of the characteristics of an anorexic person have a disorientate perception of their body, and they want to be thin at all cost. They never are in conformity with their bodies. Even when they are skinny and have  lost weight in an alarming velocity they still  look at themselves in the mirror millions of times in one day. Although both Bulimia and Anorexia have the same devastating results, Bulimia is a bit different from Anorexia because the people with Bulimia doe not stay away from eating. Instead they eat a large amount of food then get rid of it quickly by vomiting or taking laxatives. This is commonly known as “binge and purge” behavior. Actually someone with bulimia may appear average or even above average in weight.          

 The Consequences of eating disorders can be damaging for someone who is suffering from this disease. People who weight at least 15% less than normal weight for their height may not have enough body fat to keep their organs and other body part healthy. Anorexia can do injure to the heart, liver, and kidney by not eating enough, the body slows everything down as if it were starving, causing a drop blood pressure, pulse and breathing rate, affects in Girls by stopping their menstrual periods, and Anemia. Anorexia also can cause a person’s hair to fall out, fingernails to break off, and a soft hair call lanugo to grow all over the skin. In severe cases, eating disorders can lead to severe malnutrition and still death. Bulimia frequently has continuous stomach pain. In fact, bulimia can really damage a person’s stomach as a result of constant vomiting. Bulimia can also cause a person’s teeth to decay for the reason of the acids that come up into the mouth while vomiting. The constant purging can lead to a loss of the mineral potassium, which can contribute to heart problems and even fatality. Both anorexia and bulimia can lead to feelings of guilt and depression. Some individuals with eating disorders begin using drugs or other substances to help mask their feelings, which only makes the situation worse.

 Thankfully there are treatments for people that suffer from eating disorders. they can acquire rehabilitation and progressively learn to eat normally again, because these diseases involve the mind and body, unquestionable the professional help is need it such as doctors, mental health specialist, and dietitians. The most important thing about treating eating disorders is to identify and deal with the problem as soon as possible also family and friends play a crucial role and influence in she or he to make them feel they are not alone in this fight against anorexia and bulimia.


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